Alton Brown has a recipe for a grenadine and grenadine molasses that I find to be quite enjoyable. (
Four cups of juice is two of the two-lobed Pom bottles, which is what I used. Total cost was just under $4 for this, plus cost of sugar, which I already had. If you bought this grenadine, made with real sugar and 100% fruit juice, I'm sure you'd be shelling out in the neighborhood of ≥15 bucks. The photo above is what was left after a night of slinging drinks. I can't advise storing this stuff in anything other than an old whisky bottle, but use a mason jar if you must.
Orange Molasses made by the same process.
Keep in mind that the molasses is stronger in concentration. This is beneficial for two reasons:
1) You need less of it to impart the pomegranate flavor into a cocktail -- This is important if you're using traditional sized cocktail glasses with limited storage capacity.
2) It lasts longer in the fridge.
Y'all hold tight, I have some original cocktail recipes forthcoming.
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